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Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss helps stop snacking
Here at my Surrey hypnotherapy practice in Leatherhead we are working with clients who want to lose weight, stop snacking and take control of their eating.

The different parts of our mind all play a part in why we struggle with healthy eating. The conscious part of our mind is the part we use actively and is the part where new information is processed. It is the thinking mind. We know consciously what we should eat and how much.
The subconscious is the part of the mind can be described as the storage area for all the information we have acquired over the course of our life. At Surrey hypnotherapy in Leatherhead we know this is where things can go wrong. We use the conscious mind to consult with the subconscious to decide how to behave.
If we have the wrong information in our subconscious this can lead to problems. For example if we were giving sweets or chocolate to stop us crying when we were children, when we grow up and our boyfriend dumps us or we don’t get the job offer, even on just a boring or bad day the subconscious kicks in and we reach for the chocolate to make us feel better. The programme is now activated.
At Leatherhead hypnotherapy in Surrey we realise the subconscious will always activate the original source – a chocolate biscuit with a cup of tea – I fancy that because when I was a child and crying the chocolate biscuit made me feel better. The emotion is attached to the biscuit.

In hypnotherapy we can change this emotional attachment. At Leatherhead hypnotherapy we can help develop new positive habits and re-educate our subconscious mind. Understanding the reasons why we overeat makes us more likely to find new ways to lose weight.
Why use hypnosis for weight loss?
Hypnosis is the most natural way to lose weight. Here at my Surrey hypnotherapy practice in Leatherhead I devise an individual programme for every client.

We all know we need to exercise and eat healthy to reduce weight and with hypnotherapy we can re-programme our thinking to turn this into a new way of life.
Hypnosis helps us to understand the link between our mind and body. It can help us develop new positive habits by re-educating the subconscious mind. Many of us develop unhealthy habits often related to childhood days.
Here in my Leatherhead, Surrey hypnotherapy practice I track down those habits and uncover why they were formed. This helps clients to develop a new way of thinking. Habits formed when we are children no longer serve a purpose as adults.
Hypnotherapy can also help you develop a new self-image, as low self-esteem is often a factor in comfort eating. A client in my Surrey hypnotherapy practise in Leatherhead once told me she didn’t deserve to be slim. Once we had changed this mind-set she went on to lose four stone and became a healthy ten and a half stone. Her blood pressure was lowered and she became much healthier overall in the process.

If we understand the reasons why we eat we are more we are more likely to find new ways to lose weight naturally. This is why in my Leatherhead hypnotherapy practise I use hypnotherapy relaxation techniques to lessen the effects of stress and anxiety.
Hypnotherapy tackles weight loss in a positive way rather than being told what we can’t have, as we all know this just makes us want it more. If you starve your body of food as is often the case in dieting your body lays down as much fat as possible in case of future starvation and that is why the weight just creeps back on.
How great will you look when you lose weight? It feels good, you are feeling more confident. You are healthier. Losing weight at a reasonable rate of 2lbs a week will ensure keeping it off long term. No medications, no shakes or slimming bars, and definitely no slimming clubs!
Christmas Stress in Surrey!
Christmas is a very stressful time of year here at Surrey Hypnotherapy Clinic we are juggling shopping, carol services, school nativity plays with seeing clients who are more stressed than usual.

Recently at my Surrey Hypnotherapy practise I have been asked what can I do, how can I get through the next few weeks, clients say I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep, I have a constant headache and often one or other members of the family are suffering from coughs and colds to add to the stress.
Here at my Surrey Hypnotherapy practise I teach my clients self-hypnosis techniques to help them take five minutes for themselves. The techniques are simple and if taught during a hypnosis session are easy for the client to learn.
Clients don’t have to lie down in a darkened room simple eye closure techniques can be taught that they can do any time. Just five minutes away from the bustle of Christmas, even if it means locking yourself in the bathroom after putting on the sprouts, on to cook will give you enough energy to enjoy and enthusiasm to enjoy the rest of the day.
A word of warning though about getting too comfortable, one very stressed out man who learned self hypnosis at my Surrey Hypnotherapy Practise went home from work and told his wife he was going to do this straight away. He went upstairs at 6.30 and lay on the bed he woke at 6.30 the next morning with the duvet thrown over him. His wife decided he looked so peaceful she couldn’t bring herself to disturb him.
So if Mum or Dad go missing for too long on Christmas morning just wake them gently, or you may end up with soggy sprouts!
Hypnotherapy in Surrey has unexpected side effects!
One of the questions that are frequently asked by new clients at my Surrey hypnotherapy clinic is, are there any side effects to hypnosis. The answer to this is no, apart from feeling very relaxed at the end of a session.
Recently however at my Surrey hypnotherapy practice in Leatherhead I had a client who came to me for fear of swimming. The treatment had a very unexpected and pleasant side effect.

The client was a sixty-year-old lady who had decided she finally wanted to learn to swim. After numerous lessons she was doing very well. She could put her face in the water, float on her back and her front and swim the width of the pool but only if she had something to hold on to. Even if it was only the tips of the fingers of her swimming teacher, she could not let go. The moment she did she panicked and flounder around in the water grabbing the side of the pool or anything else that was handy. Her instructor had tried everything to get her to let go.
A single hypnotherapy session for confidence
She booked into my Surrey Hypnotherapy clinic in Leatherhead, for a session of hypnosis. We had a session of hypnosis which included building her confidence and helping her to visualise that she could swim and all the advantages of learning to swim, including going swimming on holiday with her grandchildren.
A repeat appointment was made at my Surrey Hypnotherapy clinic in Leatherhead for the following Thursday, as a follow up session after her next swimming lesson.
The client rang my Surrey hypnotherapy centre on the Tuesday to cancel saying she didn’t need to come back, as she had just quite happily swum a whole length of the pool and was delighted.
Amazing positive side effects!
So what was the side effect, she also told me that on the previous Friday she had been with her husband to a dinner dance in Surrey. To her amazement and to the astonishment of her husband and their friends she had got up to dance. Something she had never done in over thirty years of marriage.

“When the music started to play I heard you say what is stopping you enjoying yourself and I got up to dance. It was one of the best evenings I have ever had,” she said, “I wish I had done this years ago.”
So the answer is yes there can be side effects from hypnosis. Finding your confidence in one area can lead to finding confidence in others. If you have an fear or anxiety about doing something in our life then hypnotherapy may help.
Please contact me today at my Surrey hypnotherapy centre to see how I can help you overcome your phobia, and who knows you too might be dancing for joy!
Hypnotherapy: From past to present
Welcome to my first blog post. I thought it might be useful to give you a quick run through on the use of hypnotherapy through the ages.
If you tell your family and friends that you are thinking of having hypnotherapy for whatever reason, you will get a variety of comments ranging from frightening and funny. To find the reason for this we must look at the history of hypnosis.

Relics from ancient Egypt depict something similar to hypnosis. The Australian Aborigines, North American Indians and Hindu Cults have all used a hypnotic state for thousands of years. .Our modern journey starts with Franz Anton Mesmer a charismatic character born in 1734. He originally studied Theology but went on to train in medicine. His first attempts at healing involved the use of strong magnets to move a supposed magnetic fluid around the body. This developed into group healing sessions and Mesmer moved from using magnets to using his hands.
After his death in 1815 a number of his disciples kept his work going. In 1849 an English doctor called James Braid coined the term hypnosis (from the Greek, hypnos for sleep) he noticed that his patients’ eyes often became fixed during hypnosis. He also discovered that the cures were due to suggestion not magnetism

Dr James Esdaile used hypnotic anaesthesia to conduct of 400 operations in India but was ridiculed by the medical profession. During this time a Dr John Elliotson was also demonstrating the use of hypnosis in Britain but he to was hounded by the medical profession.
Sigmund Freud studied hypnosis and came to believe that humans have a powerful hidden mental process and this led to an understanding of the presence of the subconscious mind.
The father of modern hypnosis Milton Erikson was born in 1901 and his pioneering work has helped to bring us to where we are today. Into this mix of colourful characters we must add the way hypnosis is depicted in all forms of entertainment. It is therefore, little wonder that anyone you speak to will ask if you are going to end up clucking like a chicken.
Research in recent years has led to Hypnosis becoming more acceptable as a therapy to address a variety of issues. These include weight loss, stop smoking and the treatment of phobias and anxiety. A number of clinical studies have also shown that hypnosis can help reduce pain in childbirth with beneficial effects for both mother and baby.
Today, most therapy sessions take place with the client seated in a comfortable chair. The image of the patient lying on a black couch with the therapist swinging a pocket watch is confined to the movies.

One big change in recent years is the advent of internet conferencing. Today the client can be at home having treatment from a therapist based anywhere in the world. Clients can keep in touch with the therapist they trust even if either moves away.
A client of mine recently suffered a severe panic attack about flying home from New York and was able to receive treatment from me via Skype to enable him to make the journey home comfortably. With the coming of the internet and easy access to laptops and tablets hypnotherapy is more available than ever before.
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