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New Year, New You: How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
As the New Year dawns, many of us feel inspired to set new goals and embrace positive changes. Whether it’s quitting smoking, shedding those extra pounds, or simply feeling more confident, the ‘New Year, New You’ mindset can be incredibly empowering. But how can you ensure your resolutions don’t fizzle out by February? Hypnotherapy could be the key to lasting change.
The Power of Hypnotherapy for Transformation
Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind—the part of you that drives habits, beliefs, and emotions. Unlike sheer willpower, which relies on the conscious mind, hypnotherapy helps reprogramme deep-seated patterns, making change feel more natural and achievable.
Imagine trying to break a habit like smoking or vaping. It’s not just the physical cravings you’re battling but also the subconscious associations—relaxing with a cigarette after work or using it as a stress reliever. Hypnotherapy helps to untangle these connections, replacing them with healthier behaviours that align with your goals.
Confidence to Stick to Your Resolutions
Perhaps you’ve set resolutions before but found yourself doubting your ability to follow through. Hypnotherapy can bolster your confidence, giving you the belief and motivation needed to stay on track. By tapping into the subconscious, it helps silence self-doubt and foster a positive, forward-thinking mindset.
Achieve Your Best Year Yet
The New Year is a fresh start—a chance to rewrite your story. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for anyone looking to make meaningful, lasting changes. Whether you want to quit smoking, manage stress, or build self-confidence, hypnotherapy offers a proven, holistic approach to becoming the best version of yourself.
Why not make 2025 the year you truly transform? Take the first step today—because you deserve to achieve your goals and create a life you love.
Happy New Year!
Finding Calm Amid the Christmas Chaos
Christmas often feels more stressful than we anticipate.
The endless to-do lists—shopping, attending events, organising gatherings, and preparing meals—can quickly become overwhelming. Amid all this activity, it’s easy to feel like there’s never enough time to pause and catch your breath.
The pressure to make everything perfect, from finding the right gifts to creating memorable moments, can take its toll. Add in the hustle and bustle of crowded stores, packed schedules, and the expectation to stay cheerful throughout, and the season can start to feel more like a burden than a celebration.
Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help you unwind. By tapping into your subconscious mind, you can imagine yourself lying on a warm tropical beach, allowing you to escape the cold—even if just for a moment.
Practicing self-hypnosis can be surprisingly simple. Start by relaxing all the muscles in your face. Focus first on your forehead and the area between your eyes. Once these muscles are relaxed, move on to the muscles around your nose, mouth, and cheeks. Gradually, let your face become completely expressionless. Then, take a deep breath and feel the relaxation flow through your entire body. With practice, this process can become second nature.
Amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, take just five minutes for yourself to do this exercise. You’ll be amazed at how refreshed you’ll feel. And if you can visualise that tropical beach while you’re at it, consider it a bonus!
Above all, I hope everyone finds joy this Christmas and stays healthy, avoiding the colds and flu that are circulating. Turn on the radio and sing along to those classic Christmas tunes—no matter how cheesy they may seem.
When we look back on past Christmases, it’s not the price of the gifts under the tree that we cherish but the love and memories shared with those around us.
New season, new you!
As summer fades and the refreshing air of autumn arrives, many of us begin to reflect on the past months and think about what we want for the future.
While it’s common to set new goals or consider lifestyle changes at the start of the year, there’s no reason to wait until January to begin working towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. In fact, autumn is a perfect time to make a fresh start.
The shift from summer to autumn brings a natural change in routine. With the high energy and busy schedules of summer behind us, autumn offers a more settled and reflective period. This season brings a sense of renewal, making it an ideal time to set new intentions and establish healthier habits. The cooler weather and quieter pace provide the perfect environment to focus on yourself and your goals without the distractions of summer holidays and events.
Making a lifestyle change in the autumn allows you to build a strong foundation before the winter months set in. With fewer social commitments and a more predictable routine, you can dedicate time to making meaningful changes, whether it’s adopting a new exercise routine, losing weight, stopping smoking, or simply taking time for self-care. The autumn season’s natural rhythm encourages us to slow down, take stock of where we are, and make thoughtful changes.
By starting now, you give yourself a head start. You can approach the end of the year with a sense of accomplishment and momentum, rather than waiting for the calendar to turn. Embrace this time of transition and make the most of it. Whatever change you have in mind, autumn is the perfect time to take that first step toward a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Don’t wait for a new year—start now and make this season one of positive growth and transformation.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for making lifestyle changes because it works by accessing the subconscious mind, where deeply ingrained habits and beliefs reside. Through guided relaxation and focused concentration, hypnotherapy can help you reprogramme negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be holding you back.
It promotes a heightened state of awareness, allowing you to explore and resolve underlying issues, reduce stress, and enhance motivation. Whether you want to quit smoking, lose weight, manage stress, or improve confidence, hypnotherapy offers a supportive, transformative approach to making meaningful, lasting changes in your life.
Get in touch to find out how hypnotherapy can help you make a positive change.
Get in Shape for Summer!
With summer (hopefully) just around the corner, many of us are looking forward to enjoying the warm weather, heading on holiday, hitting the beach, and feeling our best.
If you’re thinking about getting in shape for summer, have you ever considered hypnotherapy?
Its unique approach might just make your fitness journey a bit easier.
We all have those little habits that can get in the way of our fitness goals. Maybe it’s reaching for snacks when you’re bored or stressed, or skipping exercise because you’re too tired.
Hypnotherapy can help you recognise and change these habits by addressing the underlying reasons behind them.
Staying motivated to exercise and eat well can be challenging. Hypnotherapy can help reinforce positive thoughts and self-belief, making it easier to stay committed to your fitness routine. Imagine feeling genuinely excited about your workouts and looking forward to making healthy food choices. It’s a great way to keep your motivation levels high.
Stress is a big factor that can affect our weight and overall health. It can lead to emotional eating, disrupt sleep, and generally make it harder to stay on track. Hypnotherapy can help you manage stress more effectively, which in turn can support your efforts to get in shape.
The goal of hypnotherapy is to help you create a balanced, healthy lifestyle. It’s not about extreme diets or intense workout regimes; it’s about making sustainable changes that you can maintain in the long run. You’ll learn to enjoy your exercise routine, make healthier food choices, and feel more confident in your body.
If you’re curious about trying something different to help you get in shape for summer, hypnotherapy might be worth exploring. It’s a gentle, supportive way to work on your fitness goals and enjoy a healthier, happier summer.
Too much of a good thing?
Have you put on weight over the summer holidays, do you despair of ever losing weight?
Have you eaten too many ice creams, cakes, afternoon teas and puddings that have added to your waistline, causing you to either put on more weight or put back on the pounds you so carefully lost in the spring?
Don’t give up. Don’t tell yourself that you will never eat another ice cream, cake, chocolate or packet of crisps again because that way leads to failure. Depriving yourself never works in the long term.
Look again at the first paragraph ‘Have you eaten too many ice creams, cakes…etc?. The clue is in the words ‘too many’, and often when we have deprived ourselves of all things nice we end up over indulging. The villains aren’t the cakes and chocolate, the problem lies with eating too many of them.
Next time you are tempted to have a treat then indulge in the treat and enjoy it to the fullest even if it’s only a biscuit; don’t eat it standing up in the kitchen hoping no one will see you. Put the biscuit on a plate, sit in a comfy armchair, eat it slowly and savour the flavour.
If you enjoy your treats in this way then they become more satisfying, something to indulge in, something to look forward to. For example, tell yourself that when you have finished this job, you will have whatever your favourite indulgence is and look forward to it and enjoy it. Then carry on with your work feeling rewarded. Instead of buying family bags of fun size treats or bargain biscuits, treat yourself to the best you can afford then savour the flavour and make them last.
This way you will find you are eating less in the way of fattening snack foods and you will find it easier to lose weight and more importantly keep the weight at bay.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including anxiety coping mechanisms, stress relief, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online. Please get in touch to find out more.
Diet diary
Do your New Year’s resolutions always start with losing weight? When January starts are you always a little bit heavier than last year. Are you always thinking along the lines of if I could just lose half a stone by the end of the month.

Losing weight is difficult and the older we get the harder it becomes. The new clothes we bought last year in the sales are now a little bit tighter than they were before. Our wardrobes are full of clothes that aren’t quite comfortable.
By the end of January we give up in despair. We tell ourselves that now we have eaten all the chocolate and treats left from Christmas, we will start dieting properly. We will have lost that extra weight by the end of February but then along comes Valentine’s Day or a birthday and here is another box of chocolates.
The shops start to fill with Easter eggs and the weather is still cold. We tell ourselves we deserve a treat and that and as long as we have lost weight before summer holidays all will be well. Why is it so hard to lose weight? The newspapers, magazines and the internet are full of diets. There are so many different ones just this week I have read about the keto diet, the fast 800 diet, the fast 800 keto diet, the low carb dietB and more In addition to this there are diets to relieve our various ailments like recently I saw a diet to help arthritis and in the same magazine a diet to help you sleep.
Of course insomnia and arthritis and many more ills can all be helped if we lose weight. The big question is why don’t we manage to do it. Why will our resolutions in 2024 nearly all start again with losing weight?
The answer lies in all that conflicting information. It also lies in the fact we don’t actually think about what we eat. Our lives are busy and we grab our meals on the go. When working we grab a sandwich whilst at the computer and eat it without thinking about it.
Many of my clients list their healthy meals proudly and it is only when pushed
They remember the cakes, the chocolate bars etc. Recently in the newspaper someone said that taking cakes to work should be banned. Everyone knows how it cheers us up if someone brings cakes into the office.These cakes are okay and do no harm as long as you remember them and forgo the chocolate bar you normally eat on the way home from work, or ask you if you ever need that chocolate bar.
Becoming aware of what you eat and when you eat is the way to kick start your weight loss in 2023. Write it down and keep a food diary for a few weeks. You will soon be surprised at how much you eat without remembering it. This may stop you reaching for the biscuit tin when you are bored. When you find you have lost a few pounds then you have the motivation to carry on.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including anxiety coping mechanisms, stress relief, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online. Please get in touch to find out more.
Treat yourself this Christmas
Christmas this year seems to be suffering with a greater burden of stress than ever before. Not only are we juggling the usual round of shopping, carol services, nativity plays etc there is the added strain of rising prices and fuel costs.

The news and social media are full of doom and gloom, the cost of heating our homes is rising and the weather is colder than it has been for a long time.
This year self care is more important than ever before. Self hypnosis can help you relax and perhaps if you can use your subconscious mind to imagine your lying on a tropical beach you can forget the cold for a short time.
Self hypnosis can be as easy as relaxing all the muscles in your face, starting with muscles in your forehead and between your eyes. Relaxing the muscles in your face helps your body to relax quickly and easily, after the forehead try relaxing the muscles around your nose and mouth, then your cheeks. Once you have relaxed your face so completely that it is expressionless, take a deep breath and allow the relaxation to flow through your body. With practice it can be as easy as that.
In between all the rush and clammer of Christmas take five minutes to do this and you will be amazed at how refreshed you feel. If when you are relaxed you can conjure up that tropical beach in your mind that is a bonus.
I hope everyone is able to enjoy a good Christmas and avoid the flu and colds that are going around. Turn on the radio and belt out those Christmas songs however old fashioned and corny they are. When we think of Christmas past it’s not the value of the presents under the tree but the love that comes from the people who share Christmas with us.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including anxiety coping mechanisms, stress relief, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online. Please get in touch to find out more.
Coping with grief
During this strange time when we have all been shocked and saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Many people have spoken of their surprise at the sense of loss that they themselves have felt.
The death of the Queen has caused many people to revisit their own personal losses of parents, grandparents, family members and close friends. When we suffer a bereavement the grief grows less over time. It doesn’t completely heal but a scab forms and we lose the immediate sense of loss.

When there is a national bereavement such as we are now experiencing that scab is lifted and we find that underneath there is still a sore place. Memories return of those times of personal loss and we realise once again we will never speak with our loved ones or hear their voice.
As we get older there are more losses in our lives and more scabs that are lifted. It is no surprise then that many people feel a sense of grief that leaves them with a desire to show that grief. Whether we leave flowers at the palace or sign a book of remembrance we are also acknowledging our own losses.
In today’s fast paced world often we have little time to grieve. When we lose an elderly parent there is often a sense that they had a good long life so there is little need to grieve their passing. What we feel is the loss of all those memories of the times we had together and however old they are we still feel a sense of shock at their passing.
If you have lost a loved one perhaps you could buy a bunch of their favourite flowers, not to put in a cold churchyard but to put in your home and remember them. It’s less the things we do that we regret, it’s the things we don’t do. If our elderly relatives are still around, perhaps we can spare five minute for a cup of tea or a brief telephone call, even if their response is not always as gracious as we’d like.
As we look at the faces of the Queen’s family coming to terms with the loss of their mother, spare a moment to remember all those we have also lost.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including coping mechanisms for grief, stress relief, anxiety, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online via Zoom. Please get in touch to find out more.
Fake it till you make it
One of the most special parts of our subconscious mind is our imagination. Our imagination allows us to create scenarios of events and things that will happen and have happened in our lives.
Sadly many of us use our imagination to create the worst possible scenario. We create images of what might go wrong, scenes of chaos and disaster. We seem to be able to imagine failing far easier than success. If we have to do something like public speaking or an interview we imagine every possible thing that can go wrong.

We are always being told to think positive thoughts but in a world surrounded by bad news and the gloom and doom mongers on social media it can seem hard to do this.
We can, however, imagine good things if we try. Close your eyes now and imagine you are on a warm sandy beach relaxing listening to the ocean. It really isn’t that hard to do. People think they actually have to visualise things to imagine them but we don’t. When we read a book we can be transported to the scene of the action without pictures that is our imagination at work.
When I was in a school one day a young girl was sitting on the floor refusing to go into the exam room. I sat down next to her on the floor and asked what was wrong.
“I don’t want to go into that room and take my exam, I hate that room I hate exams,” she said.
“Where would you like to be?” I asked.
“Playing in my garden with my new puppy,” she said.
I told her to close her eyes and imagine that she was playing with the puppy. A smile soon came to her face.
“Let’s stand up and keep that image of your puppy with you while we go in that room,” I said.
Telling her to keep imagining the puppy with her, she went into the exam room and sat down still smiling. I am pleased to say the school reported that she did her exam and passed. She told me herself later she imagined having the puppy with her before every exam after that.
So you can try, imagine yourself being more confident, imagine your presentation going well. Create an image in your mind’s eye and make it as strong as possible of you feeling confident and at ease with yourself.
You can do this with practice, and it can become second nature to you, so that all those things that used to upset and worry you, you can handle with calm confidence, all the things that used to be difficult for you to deal with come easy from now on.
Your subconscious knows exactly what is needed and knows how to help you. So by letting yourself use that powerful imagination of yours, by seeing yourself in that special way that you know says confidence, you can begin to enjoy the things that you do.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including anxiety coping mechanisms, stress relief, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online via Zoom. Please get in touch to find out more.
Put a spring in your step
Three months of 2022 have already gone and in two week’s time it will be Easter. Are you still sticking to your New Year resolutions or is it time for a rethink? Have you lost the weight you planned to lose in January or have you added a few more pounds over the winter months. Have you visited the gym you joined with such high hopes or do you avoid looking at the payment going out of your bank account each month?
Sometimes we start with too many goals and new plans and when they fall by the wayside we not only give up but we beat ourselves up as being useless and hopeless. That journey of 1000 miles always begins with the first step.
It is often better to set small goals and then when we achieve them we can congratulate ourselves and gain confidence to face the next step. Instead of setting out to run a marathon, start with a small challenge of going for a fifteen minute walk three days a week.
Walking is one of the best ways to increase our exercise and well-being. There are no gym fees to pay, we don’t need lots of expensive equipment or clothes. A comfortable pair of shoes and a warm coat are all that are required.
When you are walking, begin to walk mindfully. Take notice of what you see around you. Smile and say good morning or good afternoon to the other people you will see. If they don’t smile back that is their loss. Sometimes your smile can lift another person’s day.
One Sunday morning when I was walking my dog I spoke to an elderly gentleman on his way to collect his newspaper. ‘Good morning, what a lovely day,’ was all I said. ‘Thank you,’ he replied, ‘you are the first person who has spoken to me in days.’ We stopped for a chat about the weather and then each went our separate ways. Since that day I have made a point of saying good morning to people I see on my morning walk. I really don’t care if people think I am a bit crazy. One day I could be that elderly man who no one had spoken to in days.
So go for a walk, look at the flowers in front gardens, tubs and window boxes. Smile and say good morning even if people think you are a bit odd. You may never know the difference you can make to someone’s day.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including anxiety coping mechanisms, stress relief, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online via Zoom. Please get in touch to find out more.
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