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Hypnotherapy for exam stress
Here in Leatherhead it is the start of the exam season. When the exams arrive does your child suffer from panic attacks, either at home or before entering the exam room?
Are they frozen with panic when they look at the questions and can’t read the words? Their thoughts are scrambled and even though they have revised for hours they feel is if they can no longer remember a word.
Perhaps they feel sick before the exams and are unable to eat or perhaps they suffer from mood swings and headaches. Sometimes it can even be all of the above. All of these symptoms are part of the flight or fight response. When we sense danger we react in the same way as when our ancestors were faced with a threat. We want to fight or run away neither of these are an option when faced with GCSE or A level exams.
There is little point in telling your children to calm down and that if they fail it’s not the end of the world. When we are stressed because of our fears we are beyond logical thought.
Here at my Leatherhead Hypnotherapy practice I would use hypnosis and mindfulness to help someone facing exams or any stressful situation to calm their nerves. By teaching them simple breathing techniques to help control their panic you also help them calm their minds.
I would teach short easy self hypnosis techniques that can be used quickly and easily to release the tension. A session of hypnosis can put you into a state of relaxation so your subconscious becomes open to positive suggestions. These suggestions can help boost the memory and build confidence needed to tackle exam situations.
One session of hypnotherapy may be all that is needed to help your son or daughter to calm their nerves and cope with their exams in the coming weeks
Get in touch to find out how hypnotherapy can help with the stress of exams.