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Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss helps stop snacking
Here at my Surrey hypnotherapy practice in Leatherhead we are working with clients who want to lose weight, stop snacking and take control of their eating.

The different parts of our mind all play a part in why we struggle with healthy eating. The conscious part of our mind is the part we use actively and is the part where new information is processed. It is the thinking mind. We know consciously what we should eat and how much.
The subconscious is the part of the mind can be described as the storage area for all the information we have acquired over the course of our life. At Surrey hypnotherapy in Leatherhead we know this is where things can go wrong. We use the conscious mind to consult with the subconscious to decide how to behave.
If we have the wrong information in our subconscious this can lead to problems. For example if we were giving sweets or chocolate to stop us crying when we were children, when we grow up and our boyfriend dumps us or we don’t get the job offer, even on just a boring or bad day the subconscious kicks in and we reach for the chocolate to make us feel better. The programme is now activated.
At Leatherhead hypnotherapy in Surrey we realise the subconscious will always activate the original source – a chocolate biscuit with a cup of tea – I fancy that because when I was a child and crying the chocolate biscuit made me feel better. The emotion is attached to the biscuit.

In hypnotherapy we can change this emotional attachment. At Leatherhead hypnotherapy we can help develop new positive habits and re-educate our subconscious mind. Understanding the reasons why we overeat makes us more likely to find new ways to lose weight.