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Summer Weight Loss Strategy
Is the summer holiday looming and are you still trying to lose weight? Sometimes it seems like an uphill struggle – lose a few pounds one week and then put them back on the next week.

Dieting is boring and here at my Leatherhead hypnotherapy clinic I tell my clients not to diet.
Instead we change the way we think about food. Hypnotherapy is a natural way to lose weight. We all know that we need to exercise more and eat healthily to lose weight.
Hypnotherapy helps us to understand the link between our mind and our body. It can help us develop new positive habits by re-educating our subconscious mind. We can change many of the unhealthy habits we often develop in childhood.
Negative thoughts often lead to comfort eating and hypnosis can help develop a new positive self image. Stress is another factor in comfort eating and hypnotherapy or mindfulness can help us to reduce our stress and anxiety. If we begin to understand the reasons why we over eat and why we sabotage our efforts to lose weight, we are more likely to lose weight and keep it off.
More importantly, in hypnotherapy we tackle weight loss in a positive way. Instead of being told don’t eat this or that food or that certain foods are naughty we look at food in a way that allows us to eat any food whilst taking control of the quantity.
How great will you look and feel if you lose weight not just for your holiday but also for the rest of your life? You will feel more confident and you will be healthier. Losing weight at a reasonable rate will ensure keeping it off long term. No diets, no medication, no more slimming clubs.
Get in touch to find out how hypnotherapy can help your weightless strategy.