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Fear of Flying
Are your summer holidays ruined because you are afraid to fly, is your choice of holiday destination limited because of your phobia. Here at Leatherhead hypnotherapy in Surrey I see many clients who have a flying phobia.

This can vary in severity, some clients’ just panic and can only catch their flight if they take medication or self medicate on alcohol. On one occasion the fear was so severe that the client had refused to get on the plane and turned back at the airport, losing all of their holiday money.
Fear of flying can have its roots in the memory of a bad flight with turbulence etc or from learned behaviour if as a child their parents were afraid to fly. The newspapers and TV reports of plain crashes can add to people’s fear and we have all seen the images of 9/11 many times. Even films can add to people’s fear.
One of my clients who came here to Leatherhead could remember a very bumpy flight when she was aged 10, on the plane next to her was a nun who spent the whole flight praying and saying her rosary, this added to the young child’s fear.
Now as an adult she could only get on the plane after several large drinks and spends the first day of her holiday recovering from a hangover and repeats this pattern on her return journey. After just one session of hypnotherapy she flew with her family on a day trip to Lapland.
Recently a client came to me here in Surrey, her husband had booked an amazing trip to Mexico for their 25th wedding anniversary, not only did she dread the flight but was extremely afraid of the animals they may see in the hot climate.
She only had two weeks before her holiday, so we worked on her fear of flying and also did some work on the fear of animals. She came to see me again last week. She had recovered from her fear of flying enough to actually enjoy the flight and had even slept on the way home. During her amazing trip she had been photographed holding a parrot and had actually stroked a snake. She still has a residual fear of dogs, which we are working on.
Many clients come for treatment when they have to fly alone for the first time. Hypnotherapy can help them reduce the fear and put them in control of the situation.
Why let fear of flying top you enjoying your holiday. Contact me today to find out how hypnotherapy can help you overcome that fear, so that the journey comes an enjoyable part of the holiday.