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Mindful weight loss
Are you on your third weight loss diet of the year? The post holiday diet, a determined effort to lose the weight you have gained over the summer when despite your good intentions to eat only healthy salad, the ice creams and treats on days out and picnics have added extra pound.

At Leatherhead hypnotherapy we help people to lose weight without making everything a sin. After all if you cut out all the food that makes us happy and live on lettuce and boiled cabbage then life becomes very tedious, and we are more likely to overdo it when faced with so called happy foods like cakes and chocolate.
In hypnosis we learn to eat mindfully enjoying all of our food instead of eating in secret, or too fast before anyone notices what we are doing. We are allowed to enjoy our food and if we eat slowly and with pleasure, ‘savour the flavour’ instead of bolting our food down we eat less.
Food is to be enjoyed, eating slowly and by listening to the signal from our brain that we are full helps us to stop overeating. A meal is not a race to the finish, a meal is to be enjoyed.

So many people consider various foods are a sin that when they eat a chocolate or a biscuit they immediately feel guilty. This often leads them to finish the packet to get the guilty food out of the way. Of course the shops are open tomorrow to buy more. If we slow down make our food more enjoyable, think about what we are eating we are more able to avoid junk food and we will eat less food in the end. Food is to be enjoyed and by turning our eating into an enjoyable occasion we will eat less and eventually weigh less.
Enjoy your food eat more slowly eat the best quality food you can afford, and you will gradually lose weight and form new eating habits