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Don’t miss the point

Many of us suffer from a phobia and the depth of the phobia can vary. It can be slight and we shudder when we see a snake or spider or sometimes it can become acute and then we go out of our way to avoid whatever we perceive as a threat.
In almost 20 years of treating phobias I have seen a numerous clients at my Leatherhead hypnotherapy clinic. Phobias have ranged from a spider phobia so severe that a young girl was willing to turn down a university place because of her fear she wouldn’t be able to cope with a spider in her bedroom. Another client with a blood phobia who was worried about her job as a school secretary if a child came to reception with a cut knee, and a man who had walked out of a restaurant where he was planning to celebrate his birthday because there were balloons tied to every chair.
Phobias can seem trivial and silly to those who don’t suffer but when they start to impinge on our daily life, when we stop doing something because of a phobia, then we need to deal with them.
Today the news is full of information about a covid vaccine. All the photos in the news and on the television are of the vaccine being delivered by injection. I have come across needle phobia many times. One client was a young girl of 18 who wanted to go travelling but her phobia was stopping her getting the necessary injections. Her mother bought her for treatment on her 18th birthday and she then happily went to the doctors for the injections needed and she spent the next year exploring the world.
There are several hypnotherapy treatments for a phobia and they are very effective. Sometimes only one session is needed to break the cycle of fear. Phobias often have their roots in childhood memories, scare stories from older siblings or can be learned memories from a parent or adult that had a similar phobia.
Covid 19 is not going to be controlled without a vaccine and the more people who have the vaccine the more effective it will be. If you have a fear or phobia about needles it is time to deal with it. We all want our lives to return to normal as soon as possible. Hypnotherapy can help you deal with a needle phobia so that you can protect yourself against the virus.
Contact me today to find out how hypnotherapy can help you beat your phobia.
Spider Phobia and all things Creepy Crawly
Here in Leatherhead summer is becoming a fading memory, the nights draw in and the leaves slowly begin to change colour. Autumn is upon us. With the coming of autumn the spiders arrive.

Many people share an irrational fear of spiders. In the United Kingdom we don’t have poisonous spiders. There are one or two spiders that can bite and cause a reaction but unlike other countries we have no dangerous spiders.
Someone who suffers from a spider phobia has an irrational fear of spiders and will run in fear from the tiniest specimen. In the autumn when the large house spiders are seeking a place to hide, life can become a nightmare.
Here at Leatherhead hypnotherapy we have treated many clients with a simple hypnotherapy technique that reduces and even completely removes that irrational fear.
A phobia can begin to take over someone’s life and stop them doing normal everyday things. One client who was sent to me by her Aunty was about to refuse her place at Cambridge because of the fear that she would find a spider in her room and have no one to call upon to deal with it. After one session of hypnosis she was happy to ignore any spider that she saw and went on to have a brilliant career in law.
Another client was refusing the chance of a trip to visit her daughter in Australia because of her fear of spiders; again after one session she booked her flight and had the trip of a lifetime.

Phobias can seem trivial if you are not affected but any phobia that takes over someone’s life becomes important. One client who had a snake phobia couldn’t visit her friend even though the snake was in a glass tank. After one session the photo she sent me of herself leaning against the tank has pride of place in my office.
If you suffer from a phobia however trivial one session of hypnotherapy may be all that you need. However, the client who always called on the good-looking young man from the flat across the landing to rescue her was more reluctant than most to give up her spider phobia!