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Happy autumn New Year!
September is the start of the new academic year; maybe this should be the time to make our New Year resolutions. When we are relaxed after our holidays, feeling more energetic as the nights are still light maybe it makes more sense than to make them on cold dreary January 1st – more chance that we won’t be faced with cold wet windy weather when we plan a visit to the gym or go for a swim.

New Year resolutions tend to be negative and we make them at a dark dreary time of year when we need comfort food or want to curl up in front of the fire, when coughs and colds attack us just as we are trying to change our way of life.
It’s no wonder they fall by the way side. If we make our New Year resolutions in September by Christmas they will have become a habit, a new way of life. The shops are still full of salad and fruit to make eating healthy easier. Evenings are still light until 8.00 to give us chance to go for a walk or a run after work. If we have been swimming on holiday then we can sign up at the local pool and keep up the good work. Weekends can still be warm and sunny enough for a walk in the countryside and a chance to enjoy the autumn colours along the way.
Starting new habits and making life style changes now at the start of the new academic year makes more sense and they will then be easier to continue because as the days get shorter and the weather colder we will have already started to feel the benefit. Taking time to build small changes into our lives means we are far more likely to succeed. Instead of feeling down about returning to work, wish yourself a happy new year and set yourself new goals to achieve.
Whether its losing weight, giving up smoking or just being fitter and healthier whatever your plans are hypnotherapy can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and make those changes.
Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking in just one session. This will mean no more standing outside in the cold and damp this winter to have a cigarette and the money you save now can pay for a luxury holiday next year.
September 2019 is time to make some New Year resolutions that work.