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Get in Shape for Summer!
With summer (hopefully) just around the corner, many of us are looking forward to enjoying the warm weather, heading on holiday, hitting the beach, and feeling our best.
If you’re thinking about getting in shape for summer, have you ever considered hypnotherapy?
Its unique approach might just make your fitness journey a bit easier.
We all have those little habits that can get in the way of our fitness goals. Maybe it’s reaching for snacks when you’re bored or stressed, or skipping exercise because you’re too tired.
Hypnotherapy can help you recognise and change these habits by addressing the underlying reasons behind them.
Staying motivated to exercise and eat well can be challenging. Hypnotherapy can help reinforce positive thoughts and self-belief, making it easier to stay committed to your fitness routine. Imagine feeling genuinely excited about your workouts and looking forward to making healthy food choices. It’s a great way to keep your motivation levels high.
Stress is a big factor that can affect our weight and overall health. It can lead to emotional eating, disrupt sleep, and generally make it harder to stay on track. Hypnotherapy can help you manage stress more effectively, which in turn can support your efforts to get in shape.
The goal of hypnotherapy is to help you create a balanced, healthy lifestyle. It’s not about extreme diets or intense workout regimes; it’s about making sustainable changes that you can maintain in the long run. You’ll learn to enjoy your exercise routine, make healthier food choices, and feel more confident in your body.
If you’re curious about trying something different to help you get in shape for summer, hypnotherapy might be worth exploring. It’s a gentle, supportive way to work on your fitness goals and enjoy a healthier, happier summer.
Too much of a good thing?
Have you put on weight over the summer holidays, do you despair of ever losing weight?
Have you eaten too many ice creams, cakes, afternoon teas and puddings that have added to your waistline, causing you to either put on more weight or put back on the pounds you so carefully lost in the spring?
Don’t give up. Don’t tell yourself that you will never eat another ice cream, cake, chocolate or packet of crisps again because that way leads to failure. Depriving yourself never works in the long term.
Look again at the first paragraph ‘Have you eaten too many ice creams, cakes…etc?. The clue is in the words ‘too many’, and often when we have deprived ourselves of all things nice we end up over indulging. The villains aren’t the cakes and chocolate, the problem lies with eating too many of them.
Next time you are tempted to have a treat then indulge in the treat and enjoy it to the fullest even if it’s only a biscuit; don’t eat it standing up in the kitchen hoping no one will see you. Put the biscuit on a plate, sit in a comfy armchair, eat it slowly and savour the flavour.
If you enjoy your treats in this way then they become more satisfying, something to indulge in, something to look forward to. For example, tell yourself that when you have finished this job, you will have whatever your favourite indulgence is and look forward to it and enjoy it. Then carry on with your work feeling rewarded. Instead of buying family bags of fun size treats or bargain biscuits, treat yourself to the best you can afford then savour the flavour and make them last.
This way you will find you are eating less in the way of fattening snack foods and you will find it easier to lose weight and more importantly keep the weight at bay.
I have worked as a hypnotherapist in Leatherhead and London and I also teach hypnotherapy and train new hypnotherapists. I offer a full range of services including anxiety coping mechanisms, stress relief, weight loss, stop smoking and treatment for phobias online. Please get in touch to find out more.
Leaving lockdown
Is your anxiety rising now we are coming out of lockdown?
It is a very worrying time now that we are allowed to socialise more. The conflicting information that is in the press and online is adding to our stress.
Here at my Leatherhead hypnotherapy clinic I have had a number of clients whose anxiety is on the increase. Health anxiety is a major problem of some. They find themselves constantly checking Doctor Google for signs and symptoms of the virus.
Those who have been sheltering for various reasons are now worried about going out and about again and the increased risk of catching the virus. Parents are worried about their children returning to school and nursery and some children are themselves suffering from increased anxiety.
These challenges have to be faced; we have to restart our lives. Spending the rest of our life on the sofa isn’t really an option.

Some clients have put on weight during the lockdown and they have lost control of what and when they eat. They face going back to work with clothes that are straining at the waistband. Others have found it difficult to control their drinking habits.
Now is the time for us to gain control of our lives again. We have to believe that life will return to some kind of normal over the coming weeks and months. Many of our plans have been cancelled and we are unable to do all what we would have liked over the last few months.
We have enjoyed glorious weather and many of us have found new hobbies in gardening, knitting, crochet and dozens of other long forgotten skills. Other people have found time to relax read those books we always wanted to read and recharge our batteries.
Whatever we have been doing, now is the time to look forward. If anxiety is stopping you moving forward, even going out now that the doors are slowly opening, hypnotherapy can help to calm those fears. Don’t let anxiety control your life in the future.
Get in touch to discuss how hypnotherapy could help you.
2020 Weight Loss Goals
Have you started 2020 on a positive note or have you already given up on those New Year resolutions?
Do you fail with the same resolutions every year and in 2020 decided not to make any at all, or go with a general resolution of just being healthier?
Sometimes we need a push to help us make those changes. Last year at my Leatherhead clinic one of my clients came to see me for weight loss. She needed an operation on her foot and the hospital kept postponing the date because she wasn’t losing any weight. She wanted to lose four stone in total but the hospital had asked her to lose a stone before they operated.

We concentrated not on a diet or a low calorie plan but on the reasons why she ate when she knew it were so important to lose weight. Why did she eat when she wasn’t hungry and didn’t need food? Was this emotional eating for reasons like boredom or because of a bad day at work, even eating as a reward for a something good that had happened? What we realised was that eating didn’t solve any problem and that there were better ways to reward herself than eating cakes, sweets, crisps or any other type of junk food.
We also focused on treating a cake or a piece of chocolate with enjoyment and eating it mindfully so that a small piece of cake or chocolate was entirely satisfying. This removed the negative thoughts around that sweet treat and there was no need to eat the whole bar of chocolate or finish the packet of biscuits because she could have another one another day.
My client is going into hospital in the beginning of January having lost two and a half stone. In our last session we have focused on the advantages she has gained by losing the weight and making sure there is no temptation to over eat whilst she is on crutches and recovering.
When she is fully recovered she plans to lose the rest of her weight to reach her goal. More importantly she has made up her mind that never again is she going to be overweight. Whatever the future holds she is determined that her weight will not be something that holds her back again.
Regardless of whether you have made a new year resolution or not perhaps 2020 is the year you can take charge of your life. Whatever you want to change stop smoking, weight loss, get fit, hypnotherapy can help boost your willpower and understand why you have these destructive habits.
Please call me on 01372 812 189 for a free consultation to see how hypnotherapy can help you achieve your weightloss goals this year.
Happy autumn New Year!
September is the start of the new academic year; maybe this should be the time to make our New Year resolutions. When we are relaxed after our holidays, feeling more energetic as the nights are still light maybe it makes more sense than to make them on cold dreary January 1st – more chance that we won’t be faced with cold wet windy weather when we plan a visit to the gym or go for a swim.

New Year resolutions tend to be negative and we make them at a dark dreary time of year when we need comfort food or want to curl up in front of the fire, when coughs and colds attack us just as we are trying to change our way of life.
It’s no wonder they fall by the way side. If we make our New Year resolutions in September by Christmas they will have become a habit, a new way of life. The shops are still full of salad and fruit to make eating healthy easier. Evenings are still light until 8.00 to give us chance to go for a walk or a run after work. If we have been swimming on holiday then we can sign up at the local pool and keep up the good work. Weekends can still be warm and sunny enough for a walk in the countryside and a chance to enjoy the autumn colours along the way.
Starting new habits and making life style changes now at the start of the new academic year makes more sense and they will then be easier to continue because as the days get shorter and the weather colder we will have already started to feel the benefit. Taking time to build small changes into our lives means we are far more likely to succeed. Instead of feeling down about returning to work, wish yourself a happy new year and set yourself new goals to achieve.
Whether its losing weight, giving up smoking or just being fitter and healthier whatever your plans are hypnotherapy can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and make those changes.
Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking in just one session. This will mean no more standing outside in the cold and damp this winter to have a cigarette and the money you save now can pay for a luxury holiday next year.
September 2019 is time to make some New Year resolutions that work.
Mindful weight loss
Are you on your third weight loss diet of the year? The post holiday diet, a determined effort to lose the weight you have gained over the summer when despite your good intentions to eat only healthy salad, the ice creams and treats on days out and picnics have added extra pound.

At Leatherhead hypnotherapy we help people to lose weight without making everything a sin. After all if you cut out all the food that makes us happy and live on lettuce and boiled cabbage then life becomes very tedious, and we are more likely to overdo it when faced with so called happy foods like cakes and chocolate.
In hypnosis we learn to eat mindfully enjoying all of our food instead of eating in secret, or too fast before anyone notices what we are doing. We are allowed to enjoy our food and if we eat slowly and with pleasure, ‘savour the flavour’ instead of bolting our food down we eat less.
Food is to be enjoyed, eating slowly and by listening to the signal from our brain that we are full helps us to stop overeating. A meal is not a race to the finish, a meal is to be enjoyed.

So many people consider various foods are a sin that when they eat a chocolate or a biscuit they immediately feel guilty. This often leads them to finish the packet to get the guilty food out of the way. Of course the shops are open tomorrow to buy more. If we slow down make our food more enjoyable, think about what we are eating we are more able to avoid junk food and we will eat less food in the end. Food is to be enjoyed and by turning our eating into an enjoyable occasion we will eat less and eventually weigh less.
Enjoy your food eat more slowly eat the best quality food you can afford, and you will gradually lose weight and form new eating habits
Hypnotherapy to lose weight
Many clients come to my hypnotherapy clinic here in Leatherhead to lose weight. In the summer when the weather is ideal for salads and fresh fruit then we may feel losing weight should be easier. But on hot days the temptation to reach for an ice cream or cold drink can be a source of excess calories.

Here in Leatherhead over the last few days we have had a heatwave with temperatures not reached since 1976. The local supermarket had sold out of many popular ice creams and sales of fizzy drinks have soared. Sales of Pimms and Gin are also at record levels.
Ice Cream is a treat on a hot day but it should be instead of our usual treat of a biscuit, cake or even that packet of crisps. Even fruit juice is full of sugar and can sabotage our attempts at weight loss in hot weather.
Many clients who have come to me here at my Leatherhead clinic say it has been too hot to eat but when they felt hungry later in the evening they have then snacked on biscuit, crackers and crisps. A light meal with chicken or fish and salad with be healthier more nutritious and easy to prepare. If the kitchen is too hot to switch on the cooker buying ready cooked chicken from the supermarket is not being lazy when the sun is blazing down. The evening barbecue can be a meal loaded with fat if the regular barbecue favourites of sausages and burgers become a staple in hot weather. Replacing these with chicken or fish, even vegetable kebabs are a tasty alternative.

Weight loss with hypnotherapy is not about going on a diet and saying no to treats and ice cream. It is about making the right choice where food is concerned. It’s about remembering that a treat is not a treat if you have it everyday. Hypnotherapy can help reprogram your subconscious mind to eat more slowly to choose the right food. It can also help you to eat in smaller quantities and to savour the flavour. After all a meal is not a race to the finish but an enjoyable experience.
Find out more about how hypnotherapy can help you lose weight.
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss helps stop snacking
Here at my Surrey hypnotherapy practice in Leatherhead we are working with clients who want to lose weight, stop snacking and take control of their eating.

The different parts of our mind all play a part in why we struggle with healthy eating. The conscious part of our mind is the part we use actively and is the part where new information is processed. It is the thinking mind. We know consciously what we should eat and how much.
The subconscious is the part of the mind can be described as the storage area for all the information we have acquired over the course of our life. At Surrey hypnotherapy in Leatherhead we know this is where things can go wrong. We use the conscious mind to consult with the subconscious to decide how to behave.
If we have the wrong information in our subconscious this can lead to problems. For example if we were giving sweets or chocolate to stop us crying when we were children, when we grow up and our boyfriend dumps us or we don’t get the job offer, even on just a boring or bad day the subconscious kicks in and we reach for the chocolate to make us feel better. The programme is now activated.
At Leatherhead hypnotherapy in Surrey we realise the subconscious will always activate the original source – a chocolate biscuit with a cup of tea – I fancy that because when I was a child and crying the chocolate biscuit made me feel better. The emotion is attached to the biscuit.

In hypnotherapy we can change this emotional attachment. At Leatherhead hypnotherapy we can help develop new positive habits and re-educate our subconscious mind. Understanding the reasons why we overeat makes us more likely to find new ways to lose weight.